Spineless Democrats ...
What's up with you Democrats? Why, in a season of Democratic rule, are you folks doing nothing? Why, when you've got all the power necessary to pass bills, are you people doing NOTHING?
And why, in a season when you've had a chance to make history, are you choosing to become a brief footnote in Congressional history? I don't get it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not for passing a bill for the sake of self-aggrandizement.
But can it possibly be that there are no Democrats with vision enough to craft a bill that would serve the public interest and roll back, just a little, the horrific damage done to this nation by 'Dubya?'
Seems to me that our Democratic leadership is weak, indecisive and short-sighted, and it's very disappointing!
Dogs and cats and people's feelings, that's what I'm juggling of late.
Even as I write this, my depression is growing wider and the chasm of darkness that yawns before me is echoing with howling, horrible screams of the damned being impaled on the searing spits of Dante's barbecue. Texas-style, yea!
Good lord, did I just say that?
I think that tonight's episode of SNL damaged my brain, somehow. James Franco hosted the show and it appeared to me (and to my mate) that Franco was ill-prepared, couldn't remember his lines and, possibly, was loaded out of his skull. But who knows?
I'm flabbergasted that he took a role on "General Hospital." I don't get it. He's been making full length feature films for years and for him to take a role on a daytime soap opera seems a huge fall in the hierarchy of the profession. But what do I know? Nothing! But I'm just saying ....
It's chilly in Texas tonight (in more ways than meteorologically).
Man, I just read what I've written and it's apparent to me that I've lost my mind. This Robitussin cough syrup is distorting my sensiblities and making me loopy! God help me.
Merry Christmas to all and to all, goodnight.
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